Well, it came as I expect it the least, just as fire burns though Los Angeles, ravaging across neighborhoods, the man who always shows love to this city passed away. David Lynch has had a huge influence on me with not only his movies and TV shows but also his character embed in his artworks and daily messages through his Youtube Channel. The interaction with unknown, the egress from mundane life, the warmful encouragement, they opened a pathway for me to look beyond the current hurdles and took me to resonate with my first engagement with the world while I was still a child, wandering the meadows with awe and excitement, always looking forward to the next exploration. The inspirations from David himself and his works got me through some of the toughest times. Now it could be the toughest time for me from my perspective, maybe a wanderer in the Sahara desert getting further away from the path to Oasis, or otherwise. Anyway, it is David who could poke a hole in the dome and let me have a respite to carry on forging my own path. I am not a sentimental person, but today it is as if I had lost a dear friend.

Rest in peace David, or don't, wherever you are, I don't think you would ever want to have a rest. Don't look at the hole in the donut, look at the donut. It's a great day at L.A.,with blue sky, golden sunshine, 75 fahrenheit. I will remember that.
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